LBNL Physics Division Talks

Physics Division Public Talks / 2024 RPM Talks

29 Aug
Elliot Reynolds
Probing the associated production of the Higgs boson and charm quarks at ATLAS
11 Jul
Maximilian Swiatlowski
The LHC's Next Frontier: Searching for Pairs of Higgs Bosons to Understand the Standard Model and Beyond
06 Jun
Rachel Mannino
Dark Matter Searches with the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX)
30 May
Emma Tolley
Radio Cosmology: Imaging the Cosmic Dawn
28 May
Deborah Harris
Precision Neutrino Oscillation Measurements: Are we there yet?
25 Apr
Caterina Vernieri
Delving into the Unknown
16 Apr
Julien Guy
DESI 2024: Cosmic Expansion History with Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
11 Apr
Slavomira Stefkova
Glimpse of a Rare B Decay with Two Invisible Neutrinos at Belle II
09 Apr
Michel Piat
The Q&U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology (QUBIC): status and perspectives
28 Mar
Chiara P. Salemi
Seeing the Invisible: The Search for Axion Dark Matter
21 Mar
Tom Shutt
GamaTPC: a powerful new MeV gamma ray instrument concept
07 Mar
Cameron Geddes
LBL Accelerator Division
05 Mar
Roy Aleksan
Status of the Future Circular Collider (FCC)
29 Feb
Petra Merkel
Detectors for Future Colliders
22 Feb
Zhen Liu
The Next Leap: Physics Landscape of Future Colliders
06 Feb
Lindley Winslow
The Search for GUT-Scale Axions: Really Big Magnets and Quantum Sensing
01 Feb
Mariel Pettee
Towards a Foundation Model for Fundamental Physics
25 Jan
Phil Harris
You can observe a lot by just watching
18 Jan
Joseph Bramante
Future Wimps