LBNL Physics Division Talks

Physics Division Public Talks / 2023 RPM Talks

07 Nov
Career Panel
How to land a faculty position: A panel discussion with career scientists in the physics division
26 Oct
Kelly Stifter
Leveraging quantum sensors to shine new light on searches for low-mass dark matter
28 Sep
Chris Polly
New results from the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment
26 Sep
Jia Liu
Neutrinos, baryons, cosmic web, and COVID19
14 Sep
Uros Seljak
AI for Physics, Physics for AI
07 Sep
Paul Stankus
Quantum-Enhanced Astronomy For Both Fun and Profit
15 Aug
Sinead Griffin
Party like it's LK99
22 Jun
Kerstin Tackmann
Higgs Measurements at ATLAS
08 Jun
Frances Houle
A Modern Understanding of Ethics in Physics
18 May
Frank Qu
Cosmology from high-precision CMB lensing measurements with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
27 Apr
Gabriel Orebi Gann
Let There be Light: next-generation neutrino detection at Theia
20 Apr
Bruce Macintosh
Direct imaging of extrasolar planets
18 Apr
Cristiano Sebastiani
Search for exotic physics with long-lived particles at ATLAS
30 Mar
Stuart D. Bale
The Lunar Surface Electromagnetics Experiment LuSEE 'Night'
23 Mar
Adam Miller
Red after Dead -- Understanding the Progenitors of "Cool" Explosions
09 Mar
Richie Bonventre
Status of the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab
21 Feb
Seth R Johnson
Celeritas v0.2: a new Monte Carlo particle transport code for detector simulation on GPUs
26 Jan
Daniel Carney
The end of measurement and the last lab
19 Jan
Peter Sorensen
Snowmass Report Highlights 4: Instrumentation Frontier