LBNL Physics Division Talks

Physics Division Public Talks / 2023 INPA Talks

15 Sep
Wenbo Ma
Search for solar neutrino and light dark matter with the PandaX-4T experiment.
16 Jun
Ben Smithers
A Multi-Channel Search for Signatures of eV-Scale Sterile Neutrinos in IceCube
16 May
Raquel Castillo Fernandez
In the hunt for 0νββ at the NEXT experiment
05 May
Antoine Armatol
Investigation of the Majorana nature of neutrinos at a few meV level of the neutrino mass scale: from CUPID to BINGO
14 Apr
Prof. Christian Weinheimer
The dark matter experiment XENONnT and first WIMP results
13 Apr
Dave Moore
Optomechanical sensors for nuclear and particle physics
11 Apr
Lisa Schluter
Latest results from the KATRIN Experiment
07 Apr
Noah Sailer
Accurate cosmology from CMB lensing and galaxy survey
31 Mar
Agnes Ferte
Preparing for discovery of new physics with the Rubin Observatory
03 Mar
Daniel Carney
Proposal for a Levitated Invisible Particle Sensor
17 Feb
Hamish Robertson
The Direct Road to Neutrino Mass
10 Feb
Alexander Leder
Searching for the Needle in the HAYSTAC: Axion direct and indirect searches
03 Feb
Arun Persaud
Applications of Associate Particle Imaging at Berkeley Lab from Carbon in Soil to Nuclear Data